How accomplish you amuse rid of a toe nail fungus?

Poor Ax

Forget the pills that add toxicity to your object. Here is a simple solution. Amuse a hypodermic darner. Fill it with H2O2.Put it under the nail aloof until it starts to hurts all encircling the nail bed. Inject. Accomplish this for one-two months. It'll activity out. It's bigger than taking a pill.


activity to the nearest railroad tracks, put feet on rail, wait for train! alone way to amuse rid of fungus!!!annihilation works that is topical!!reason yu slang amuse to the root of fungus under the nail!

Round Lake

is that a question or return


oh sure direct them up for sepsistry soaking the nail in listerene for a while it works


try some vicks salve.......this seems to work well...great luck..........


I took the Lamisil pills and it worked quickly. And I don't air any added toxic than I did before I took them.


that aint a question its an return. you're wasting your points posting answers when you should be asking questions.