Ive been treating a nail for a while, its nothin really gross, however as ive been treating it, ive noticed babyish atramentous things under the nail occassionally (picture a babyish splinter under the nail. thats what they kinda attending according to). However im wondering provided nail fungus has seeds tht come up as its life treated.....?
I think these are accustomed. I've noticed that i've had a hardly any of them recently too. I don't own fungus infection so thats whats manufacture me think they accustomed!
No, they don't own seeds. I activity to this nail fungus site that I begin all the time to amuse great data on nail fungus symptoms and treatment - be sure to activity to
In warts, those things you see aren't seeds. It's blood from the blood vessel that goes to the wart. It's probable that the nail fungus is a babyish bit of blood that has leaked.
Lincoln Village
no! they dont!