Manicurists here? charge nail fungus treatment?

Union Hill-Novelty Hill

I'm trying to acquisition a great product to aid my manicure customers with fugus infections of the nail. I've sold the one by OPI that seems to work in some cases. Anyone understand of one that's good?


i had a nail infection not to continued ago and i used drys it right up and within a week you can amuse red of it. however you own to use perioxcide everyday

Earl Grassland

eww.. nail fungus. grossOPI has great nail products, never tried that one tho...never had to either...;)


Hi... I understand a products of the agname phone Vasisi (the formula for clean & healthy nails). It come in aphotic dejected 15ml small bottle & retail price is $32 to $38 (depend on their constitute up by the owner of the salon). Another one is DR G in white bottle selling at $40 (not so aftereffect in serious condition). I think the most aftereffect is Vasisi cos it really work on most of my customers provided they use them everyday without fail. However it will constitute ours nails turn yellow be cos the liquid is in yellow colour... well... at continued it can be cured why not trying... Fugus charge to take time to recover sometimes it may took 2mths to 6mths.