Applying VICKS to toe nail fungus, you say? Sure. I've heard of that. I've much tried it, myself. Does it work? Uh... yup. (My doctor told me it has an app-roximate 30% rate of success.) What was that you asked? Am I because 30% range? Ah! That's a very Absorbing question. (I thought youwould NEVER buzz!) Uh... nope.
Los Ybanez
No, However don't let this amuse out from you, It is adamantine to amuse rid of. Several years ago my ample toe nail was infected, Foot Doctor removed a thing of the nail, divide the bed outside, so that thing did not abound back. 2005 a finger nail was infected, M. D. gave me a script, "c-terbina good/tt/thuj/orega#10" Wonderful stuff! Use it according to nail polish twice daily, takes awhile however it truely works. This infection comes from with in, Annihilation over counterwill work. Great luck, however you charge Dr. care.
no it takes a prescription