I own toe nail fungus for approximately a year or two any more. My nail got damaged when me and my brother used to action, he would always stamp on my ample toe until i noticed it was damaged and getting fungus. I used hydrogen peroxide and some OTC medicine however it never really went out. The nail is healed however encircling the nail grove of the ample toe, the nail there no affair how even it grows, it comes outside looking as though i own poured some chemical on it. The nail is not smooth in those regions and provided it gets wet, i own to press the water outside( my toe used to swell and it stretched the skin) and while pressing outside any water trapped, some white milky stuff comes outside. What can i accomplish? Own you ever had this problem? I own posted a pic. for those who are not faint hearted and who may want to puke since i don't understand provided you can understand by the discription i gave
South Ashburnham
You charge to activity to the doctors, they own medicine that will aid your nails cure and attending accustomed again.
my dad had that once from kicking a wall. his toenail aloof fell off after a while and in time it grew back usually.
We can't aid you, however a foot doctor can.