My Mom has really poor (toe) nail fungus and takes a abundance of pills already. Does anyone understand of a topical (cream or?) that will cure or aid this? Tea tree oil and lamasil creme and topol(?) didn't work.
She will added than possible own to recieve the spoken version of Lamasil. It is realy expensive, as you too own to take it for quite some time. We are talking nearly a thousand dollars. Topicals own a very low rate of success simply since they can not amuse through the nail itself, to the fungal problem.
Nail fungus, is a case that affects the nail of encircling 6% to 8% of the man population. A chicken feed in colour, thickening of the nail, fitting brittle, or rippled nail may be a sign of nail fungus. However it can be cured. See
Provided fungus is in nails, usually a common treatment is unavoidable, a native treatment alone will not aid. Provided alone in skin, medication you mentioned may aid. However the disease may arise newly after repeated contamination.
I had the same, tablets didn't work either. I used Dactarin liquid and it disappeared great luck
one of the anti fungal creams should work
Absent Country
There is a product here called Tincure. It is in a small bottle, and the liquid is brushed on the nail. It has improved my acquaintance's toe nails. She was able to acquire it in a Pharmacy. I'm in Australia, I will acquire some provided you can't acquisition any where you are, and I will kindly letter it to you provided you'd according to.
West University Place
Vicks vapo rub. Use daily.
Shell Rock
id activity at it with the lamisil for atleast 2-3 weeks provided you havent already, toe nail fungus tends to be stubborn. provided you dont see improvement, activity to a doctor and amuse a prescription
Sounds loopy, I own heard it works...Try hydrogen peroxide. May be worth trying besides.