I was told i had a toe nail fungus it took 3years to acquisition outside i had one however any ways they put me on that strong medicine for toe nail fungus that can mess up the liver however any ways it has not aid however any more i own spots wear it is atramentous and it looks according to wear the atramentous stuff is there is a whole there its according to the nail is life eating out by the atramentous stuff!! does any one understand what the problem is too they had me on the medicine for 3 months and they said that it should be cured by now
Try soaking your foot in listirine( mouthwash) for a hardly any weeks two times a time, or you can soak ur foot in 2 parts water and 1 thing bleach two times a time! Too this may sound gross however when in the shower pee on your toes it should too aid!