Clean the nail daily with hydrogen peroxide. I tried all kinds of other nail fungus treatments and none of them worked. Some of them stopped the fungus from getting worse, however did not constitute the case bigger. Then I tried cleaning the nail with hydrogen peroxide and the fungus cleared up in a couple of weeks. You must clean right under the nail with the peroxide - use a toothpick.
West Ferriday
The professional medical experts who own studied nail fungus strongly suggest that one should take special pills that are fabricated for targeting nail fungus and not aloof depend on nail fungus creams. Provided you accord all your faith to topical creams alone, well this is not a great concept as your nail fungus will not disappear quickly. Another bull's eye that should be pointed outside to a person who is having nail fungus problems is the actuality that nail fungus strongly damages ones (used to be) healthy nail, and a nail which is not in a great case (exceptionally provided it is already dead and atramentous) should not be left unnoticed. Not alone is it unsightly however it is too a health problem. This is where spoken medicine comes in, as approved medicines and prescribed by doctors should quickly treat one’s nail fungus problems.