Approximately 3 yrs ago i had artificial nails on. one time at work i accidentally hit it on something and jammed the nail back into the cuticle. soon after the nail fell off taking my nail too. when the fresh nail grew in it was yellowish and looked according to it hjad a fungus. then it spread to my other finger. any more my 2 fingers own went through 3 nails, and i own tried all kinds of fungus stuff. annihilation works. they are red, swollen and ardent. and the skin under the cuticle is starting to turn atramentous. can anyone aid??
uh oh, nail fungus can be contagious exceptionally when left untreated. i'd according to to refer you to ZetaClear or Nail RX. these are the ace over the counter nail fungus treatments, as reviewed by
Try Chlortrimazole Cream 1% (anti fungal agent) OTC. Provided it doensn't work on fingernails ( it is nearly alwaysused for tinea pedis or athlete's foot ) then buzz yourDoctor or Pharmacist to suggest something else. You may charge a fungal agent specifically targeted tofight dermatrophytes, according to Lotrimin RX.