Can nail fungus be cured and nails return to looking pretty?


I own fungus on my toe nail and I can't seem to cure it.


Dry feet very very thoroughly after bathing. Use membedazol or imidazol based cream below nails every time during 4 weeks. According to severity the nail will abound outside cured or fall outside. The fresh nail will be fungus free of charge.


use tea tree oil (a aerial concentrate) brush it on 2-4 times a time provided you can and wrap it up in a bandaid. accord it a chance to breath provided it starts getting too wet, according to the toe skin is wrinkly. The nail will abound back healthy and strong.


The doctor can prescribe something that will set much a poor condition of it. There might be a house remedy to try aboriginal though. I heard someone say they soaked theirs in vinegar once however I don't really understand provided that works.


Once you cure the fungus, the nail will eventually abound outside and attending accustomed again.