My toe nail is whiteish, yellowish, brownish. I aloof divide it down as far as I could..own done this before however has not helped. In the middle of my nail underneath its not indifferent to the nail bed..according to a space between the nail bed and the nail. I own tried vicks, prescriptions, cutting it down and annihilation!!! What else can I accomplish. I accomplish not want to take lamisil etc....I want to put an acrylic nail over it since its sandal season!!! What can cure this ugly nail fungus!!! HELPPPPP please!
Nail fungas (be it on the toes or fingers) is not accessible to amuse rid of. It takes a continued time of using the proper medications. Provided you own tried overcounter medication according to funge off (available at loveliness supply shops) then you charge Prescription medication. Whatever you accomplish you own to accomplish it from six months to a year to amuse rid of the fungus. As I said it is hard to amuse rid of. I suggest going to your doctor. Lamisil is a great product and works good in most cases. It will should too work faster than over the counter medications since it is working from the inside instead of topically. For faster treatment you could talk to your doctor and try using Lamisil as an spoken medication and try using FungOff topically (I would not accomplish this without your doctors ability or approval as it could be too even mecidation and reason added damage to the nail and not cure the problem).Great luck
Did you already try prescription Lamisil that they post on TV? here are some linksNail fungus
It usually takes ten months for you to apprehension the fungus out provided you are taking a prescription for this continued own you been on meds for it and provided it is former ten months and you are not noticing a chicken feed in the colour of your nails, then I suggest that you activity to your dr and account for that the script is not working...