Does tea tree oil really work for toe nail fungus?


provided it does how continued does it take to work? or what is another able way


TOTALLY!!!!! i'm a ample fan of tea tree. me and my family use it for everything from sores cuts warts bug bites anything it really does aid


Personally, I've tried a abundance of altered stuff over the years. I had dealt with the combo nail fungus and athletes foot for nearly 20 years. One "free of charge" thing that did aid a abundance was vinegar. It didn't aid even with the nail fungus however it completely stopped the athlete's foot that I was too suffering from. I had tried the tea tree oil, it was ok however frankly although vinegar didn't cure the nail fungus the vinegar results were bigger than the tea tree oil. In the borderline what finally constant my loong term problem with nail fungus was Zeta Free. Another thing that I did that probably helped was throw outside my aged shoes. I own heard that the fungus can alive in your shoes and return after treatment. So to avoid a relapse I fabricated sure to amuse fresh shoes and throw outside the aged ones. Ace of Luck! Oh, and I put the link for the stuff I used below provided you wanna test it outside.


Medical experts pretty even assent that there is no topical (out the object) medical treatment that eliminates nail fungus. That includes tea tree oil. There are pills you can take by prescription that are: (1) very expensive and not covered by insurance, and (2) bad and can damage your liver. Too, they are not always able. I own tried them twice and they did not work either time.