I charge a house remedy for toe nail fungus?


Lamasil is to expensive and my Ins. wont pament any of it.

Clay Centre

try some salicylic acid.


Its a general problem, added than persons realise, its too a sign you own a low blood alkalinity which is something you should reverse reason it'll will advance your force levels to accomplish so. Too cancer thrives in acidic PH so it helps prevent cancer growths to own a aerial one. There's a hardly any ways to accomplish that, the simplest is to sprinkle some bi-carb (baking soda) into your water bottle and take between meals. There are health aliment alternatives however provided you want to save almighty dollar activity for the baking soda. Meanwhile soak your feet in a compound of baking soda and water twice a time (say a teaspoon to 3 liters). Scrub your shower with this too, aloof put some power on a cloth and scrub with your feet while you are taking a shower to annihilate two birds with one stone. Constitute sure your bathroom has full ventilation so that its not always wet. Clean your socks with a babyish powder in the blend. Two to 2 and half weeks for the symptoms to disappear, however treat for another week to prevent it future back.


listerine won't accomplish the trick. the medication is expensive. it contains a catalyst that kills the fungus. you own to use it daily for a whole year. there are too pills that can be prescribed, however they own poor side thing, i. e. damage to the liver.


try this its cheap and really works ZetaClearNail Fungus Use Zetaclear Solution to support and advance your nails naturally. Your hands and feet can be pretty, reflecting your radiant great health.


after you take a shower, put a hardly any drops of listerine on it. doesn't affair which affectionate. it can much be generic. however provided you accomplish that for several weeks (each time you take a shower!) it'll free it up.