Dude i own nail fungus?


how accomplish you amuse rid of toe and fingernail fungus


Topical (surface) treatments don't work! Care your nails clean and dry can prevent a fungal infection, however can't cure one once it is established under your nail bed. Activity to your doctor and see provided you can shaft a direction of Lamisil or other such spoken medication. You accomplish charge a blood test to constitute sure your liver is working well, however provided so then you aloof take the pills for a couple months. It works good for most persons, with very hardly any side thing. Be patient though: It takes quite a while before the nails start to abound outside free.


accumulate it clean and dry. try not to wear shoes for a while. try to clean it with soap and water, and then finish it with antibiotic powder.


Yes accumulate it clean by Detol liquid


my daughter had the same problem..she was post by the Dr. to wash in a anti bacterial solution and use anti fungus cream..daily.