What are we doing as a country approximately the state epidemic of toe nail fungus that is sweeping the nation?


Should we put our ace foot forward and expunge this plague? How approximately a State Pedicure Time?

Indian River

Yes, we should constitute a two step program, and tap dance our way to antifungus. lol


Save my sole! Finally, someone who is willing to alert the country to this epidemic. We charge to own a State Pedicure Time to clip the problem before it becomes an achilles heel to feet everywhere. The claiming is on and the pastime's afoot. Let's ankle down and constitute this a priority and a step in the right course before the epidemic catches all of us flat footed! Cheers


Aww it's good to own a lighthearted question....Y! A has been getting so serious these days so thank you! I take great attention of my feet so I would definitley according to to celebrate State Pedicure Time :D


You should rush down to the DNC company and buzz Obamahow he plans to domicile this state security affair!


Yes, I charge one. I according to to eat the fungus on the backside of my ample toe and heel. Yum.

Crystal Lake

In my town they are removing the toenails of the infected....I hear they use babyish provided any numbing medicine....♥

Pleasant Hills

Apparently we're outside of step, at least according to the newspaper clippings.


hahahaha a scream, expuge! That is good.