Sierra Vista Southeast

I heard approximately clinical trials for NM100060, a fresh medication from NexMed that is basically lamisil in topical anatomy prescription. Does anyone understand when it is scheduled to come outside?


as a tend I will tell you that you can already acquire lamisil in a topical cream anatomy over the counter buzz your pharmacist

Sandy Creek

the problem with nail fungus is it hard to amuse at... own you considered an anti-fungal pill? I had years of problems with sub-cutaneous athletes foot since school. Both medical doctors and dermatologists said all sorts of weird crap for years on how to treat the fungus none of which worked since topical meds never penetrated my skin. Then I switched to a fresh dermatologist as my health plan changed again and he said here is a pill and it is expensive and may not be covered by your insurance... the pill was covered and the pill worked in less than a week.