Accomplish you understand an able remedy for nail fungus?

Perry Grassland

I own tried several remedies much prescrition medicine and they didn't work


How continued did you take the medication? as it can take a hardly any years to free.


I'm not sure what could be added accessible than a prescription?! As most fungus's either activity out on there own or never activity out!! Provided the fungus is on your foot..well I guess it wouldn't affair provided it was your plam, however try soaking your plam in epsom salt salt tends to be a accustomed cure for somethings!! I beggarly I understand that clorox bleach kills fungus and mould and stuff, I personally wouldn't want to put my plam or foot in it however it's worth a shot...I would at least dilute it though...Great luck I wish I was added aid...however you could always try a podiatrist

Fresh Bloomington

dip your fingers in boiling acid them suck on them for 4 years. im very sorry.