Can vinegar cure nail fungus?

La Plant

Acquire a bottle of tea tree oil, it is in a small brown glass bottle and sold at drugstores and target. After every shower, dry your affected nail and use the tea tree oil with a Q-tip. For quicker results use again each after dark before going to bed. The tea tree oil halts the advance of the fungus and you will see your nail slowly abound outside cleanly and fungus free of charge. It takes patience however you will be thrilled to divide off the affected nail as it grows outside. Don't waste your time with vinegar, I tried that and it didn't work. I too tried Vick's Vaporub, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, 91% rubbing alcohol and several other things. The tea tree oil is the alone thing that worked. What used to be a unpleasant brown crusty ample toe nail is any more back to accustomed and I use the tea tree oil as a preventative periodically.

Babyish River

Not sure however soak them in peroxide.