None of the cream or medicine is working for me...And I've been to the doctor according to twice, and he always gives me medicine for it, however it never works...Yeah, I understand...this is embarrassing.
Try Tea Tree is a accustomed antifungal and antiseptic (is too an astonishing treatment for acne!! It's what has cleared my face up). It's too super super cheap, according to $7 most places, aloof constitute sure you acquire it in a Aphotic bottle as the free ones will reason it to breach down when it is exposed to ablaze. I've heard A Abundance of stories approximately persons using this for nail fungus and it has worked wonders. Test outside this link to amuse recipes on how to use it for nail fungus...
I had the same problem. I aloof went to c. v.s. and got some stuff called fungi. it DOES work. You aloof own to be persistant and use it according to it says.
Every acquaintance I understand who has this problem are satisfied with the tea tree oil which I suggested to them for nail fungus.
Fresh Rochelle
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