lately my feet is getting al affectionate of things according to nail fungus heel itching scalin and dry
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Hello, As a medical doctor, the ace thing i can post to you is to consult a Dermatologist to confirm your case. Another way to be sure provided you own toenail fungus is to send nail clippings to the laboratory for culture and administer microscopy. Are your feet itchy? What approximately the nails, accomplish they own any discolouration? Perhaps blooming or chalky in colour? Is it flaking or scaly? What approximately the skin surrounding your nails? Provided it is really nail fungus or Onychomycosis, you'd bigger treat it any more before your case worsens. Here is a site that will inform you of altered treatment options to accede. Great luck! Michelle
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Its probably athletes foot. The ace way to diagnose is own a doctor scrape off a sample and own it examined. But provided you want to forget that fact you can activity to target or Rite Help and amuse a cream for it. Buzz the pharmacist for service provided needed.