I own a ample toenail fungus and the nail is future out from the nail bed


Provided I lose the nail will another abound back? Does anyone outside there understand the real return from familiarity? No guessers please.


There is solution for toenail fungus, i too own toenail fungus however from at the end two months its getting cure. I aloof applied zeta free over my nails and it is worked. I got data both this astonishing zeta free at both sites own good data on zeta free including the ingredients and how does it work.


Blend anti fungus soap, with anti fungus powder. ( Pharmacy foot attention) Wash the nails 2 to 3 times a time. Accomplish all nails it can spread. Provided you don't see results in 2 weeks you'll charge to activity to the doctors.


activity to a doctor

Earl Grassland

My dad had a nail removed since of fungus and yes, the nail grew back. You Accomplish charge a doctor to amuse the fungus under ascendancy before it spreads to your other toes or to other persons.


yes, a fresh nail will abound in under/last the aged one. accumulate the aged one trimmed as it detaches and don't let it grasp on anything and tear out.

Vega Baja

I had fungus on my ample toenail, half the nail crumbled and eventually came off (looked gross). I put otc anti-fungal liquid on it twice a time and avoided humidity. A fresh nail grew outside eventually, in the meantime I used an acrylic toenail on that toe when wearing direct toe shoes.