How can i tell provided this is a nail fungus?

Hillside Lake

I aloof took off my toe nail polish and all of my toes had what looks according to white clouds or they attending very dry from all the white patches on them. I was able to buff 95% of it off and use a toe nail fungus medicine. Is this the start of a fungus or is it fungus? I abhorrence to use the medicine since it dries my nails outside however I don't want a fungus either. Any suggestions.


try going to the doctor or possibly your community pharmacist


Sounds to me according to you accomplish own nail fungus. I had this for years and I really hated it. The ace thing that I begin for treating it was Zeta Free, this blog nailfungaltreatment. blogspot. com/ has a review of it. worked well for me, should accomplish for you. Great Luck


Provided it grows mushrooms then it's fungus.