Ace and fastest way to amuse rid of under toe nail fungus?


ample toe nail aphotic coloured, adamantine. and adamantine to clip


Hi unfortunately there is not a "ace solution."there are two ways to to try to treat the fungus.1. Using chemically produced, comercial products - such as Lamisil (Terbinafine), Diflucan (Flucanazole) and Sporanox (Itraconazole) to agname however 3 - these are usually taken oraly and in tablet anatomy. There are possible side thing though with almost all of the comercial prodcucts - although the side affects are gentle and short term you should be aware that they exist before under taking treatment. This way can usually alter to very expensive resulting in hundreds of pounds.2. Accustomed House Remedy - such as a vinegar soak or spray, Tea Tree Oil or Oregano oil. These own less harmful side thing (provided any) and are reletively inexpensive. So, dont think fastest - think ace. Fungi thrives in damp warm environments - so try to make a hostile house not a inviting one. A personal recommendation would be anything acidic - (ie vinegar)Allocate a ten minute slot in the morning and a ten minute slot at after dark and soak your feet - accomplish this for 6 months much after you think the fungus has out. ....And clip that toenail - and rough it up a bit with an emery board as the (vinegar/Tea tree oil) will not alone charge to amuse below the nail however into the nail information.


See a podiatrist.

Pocono Pines

Lamasil Cream, or accept it or not, proven adjustment...Vicks Vaporub.


Lamisil AT (preferrably the pill anatomy [which I accept is alone available with a prescription]) over the creams, however they work OK too.


soak your feet in as ardent a pan of wateras you can stand that has a disinfectant liquid soap=brush your nails with a soft childs toothbrush(at $ store for a buck) and provided this doesn, t cure them within a hardly any days see a Dr


I had the same problem............. don't use over the counter stuff.... amuse a doctor to prescribe Lamisil... this is taken in pill anatomy.... it works.

Atlantic Beach

LAMISIL. its expensive however it works. the over-the counter stuff isn't good however its added affordable provided you don't own the almighty dollar.

Fresh Madrid

See a doctor for prescription meds


As someone else mentioned, see a podiatrist (foot dr). The dr can clip the tips (dead, white thing) of your nails and own you take it to a lab to be examined (can take hardly any weeks for diagnosis) to acquisition outside provided it is fungus or something else. Provided it is fungus, the dr may be able to prescribe either lamasil (however can be very tough on the liver) or a nail polish type of medication for the fungus. I accept that provided it is fungus, that it can take several months for the healthy nail to abound in. And I own heard of using vicks vapor rub on toenail fungus, but, please accomplish amuse a definitive diagnosis from a podiatrist. And please accomplish Not use tea tree oil as a podiatrist had told me that it was not regulated as to how safe it is.


My doctor told me to use a thin coat of vaseline on the nail 2xday for 8 weeks. He read in some Northwestern article that this adjustment is supposed to be very effecitve. He told me Lamisil is adamantine on the liver and the nail polish stuff is not very able and you own to use it for a continued time.


To amuse rid of toenail fungus, and prevent it from spreading, here are some tips.1. Put anti-fungal powder or spray in your shoes to aid action off the fungus.2. Air your shoes, and don't wear them provided they are wet.3. Chicken feed your insoles frequently, and constitute sure they dry outside between use.4. Bleach outside the shower on a weekly reason.5. Wash your shower mat weekly.6. Wear sandals in the gym and don't walk encircling barefoot in public.7. Try not to reason trauma to your toes. Trauma is the biggest reason why persons borderline up with nail fungus.8. Accumulate your nails short, however not to the point where they start to bleed. In summing up, there are altered treatments to accede provided you own toenail fungus. Always try and prevent nail fungus in the aboriginal place. Provided you accomplish own to use a treatment, acquisition something which is accustomed and that won't damage your health.