How accomplish you amuse rid of that ugly toe nail fungus without resorting to medicines?


Soak your feet in tea tree oil for one week. The second week, use hydrogen peroxide soak, third week, back to tea tree oil. Should be completely out. My grandmother's babyish recipie and it has always done the trick. Great luck!


rub Vicks Vaporub on the nails, it really works

Walnut Ridge

I've never had it, however I've heard that provided it's athletes foot, urine will free it up...

Rose Hill

Take all the polish off. Let it air outside. Don't let your feet collect moisture in side of your shoe all time try to wear sandals provided possible i understand its embarrassing however it helps a bunch!


I aloof use plain tea tree oil. I raise the nail as aerial as I can and place a drop or two of the oil under and then forget approximately it. You should be able to amuse plain tea tree oil at any health aliment/biological store however much Walmart sells it any more.

South Palm Beach

They tell you in the army to pee on your feet, I own been told it works! Altered, however they swear by it.