Oxoboxo River
Yes fungus can be contagious. Seek medical care for preliminary diagnosis. Depending on how severe the conditions you own three choicesA House Remedy Fungal Treatment - this is alone able for nails that own alone aloof started to show sign of the infection.

www. cure-nailfungus. com/home-reme…A Commercial Topical Solution - one that is based on a accustomed compound. This is epitome for a fungal case that is begining to take authority and starting to spread to ajoining nails.

www. cure-nailfungus. com/over-the-…A Pharmaceutical Anti Fungal Solution - for nails that are acutely uncomfortable and are very distorted or disfigured. Be wary though that internally taken pharmaceutically produced anti fungal medication can own an adverse reaction on internal organs.

www. cure-nailfungus. com/prescript…First point of phone is visit a GP though.
Pleasant Hill
Yes it is! You charge to amuse to the doctor who will prescribe you some anti-fungal treatment. Too life infectious, provided you allowance it too continued your toenails will alter to thickened, crumbly and eventually come off.
yes, consult a doctor