Will anything cure nail fungus ?


A low price vinegar house remedy for nail fungus has worked for several persons, you can try this:Simply place 2 drops of distilled white vinegar (available at any grocery store) at the growing model of the effected nail twice a time, once in the morning and once in the evening. The vinegar can be applied with a dropper bottle or provided you prefer, you can soak a cotton Q-tip and use the vinegar that way. Following, this procedure will own to be continued untill the infected nail is grown right off the object. That could take 6 months or longer for an infected toenail. It is valuable that not a single use is missed since provided you accomplish, any fresh nail that is grown that time will be susceptible to fungal reinfection. After next this vinegar nail fungus treatement for approximately two months you should see accustomed nail growing at the model of the nail. However remember you must abide the treatment until the infected nail grows right off he object.

St. Lucie

soak in listerine


Yes There's An Emollient My Foot Doctor Gave Me After You Soak Your Foot You Dry It Off Real Great Than Use This Emollient On Your Toe Nail An Put A Clean White Sock On Your Foot An That's It An A Couple Of Days Sock Your Foot Again An Put Added On Ok