
i am self concious approximately my fungus i own fungus on both my ample toes and i dont wanna use nail polish however we are not allowed to use bandaids or water shoes, several persons recommended i use nail polish to match my skin colour or accustomed nail colour what colour should i use? is there a nail polish colour i can use that wont attending according to i put on nail polish?


www. mydivascloset. com/noname284.h… www. mydivascloset. com/nyxginapoin… www. ievecare. com/1511.html cgi. ebay. com/Mary-Kay-Salon-Direc…Good luck! I achievement you acquisition the right shade :)


An alturnitive to nail polish is makeup... though it may come off. Acquisition a waterproof foundation in your skincolor. (I would test it outside aloof to be shure it's waterproof.) I wouldn't accomplish nail polish though since it's gunna be shiny...


activity to a nail salon and buzz for what you charge.


I understand your case however I would not risk, I beggarly NOT risk putting any affectionate of toe nail polish on provided you are a guy. The at the end thing you charge is other curious guys that happen to want to test your feet outside (it happens) and then you will be the talk of the school. Accomplish you want that? You charge to free this case up before it keeps bothering you so you can own piece of apperception. For any more, acquire a bottle of Tea Tree Oil. You can amuse it in mostly any Pharmacy. According to CVS, Walgreens, Riteaid, etc. Rub it on all of your toenails before your swim group. I will tell you that I had toenail discolouration from nail polish and when I rubbed this oil on in the morning, it indeed fabricated my nails arise free the whole time. Please try it. It will aid them arise clearer.

El Paso

I really don't think anyone will apprehension. I understand someone who he I'd fungus and I didn't much apprehension until he told me. You will apprehension your flaws however no one else much knows. I umderstand that u air this way however I don't think that its really that poor... However a skin tone would be good...


i don't understand approximately the nail polish however provided you want to amuse rid of the fungus, try this. It really works! I got a couple of vinyl gloves and divide off a finger (or thumb, depending on the size of your toe. Amuse some Vicks Vaporub. I swear,. it really works. At after dark or when you're house for the after dark, slather your toe with Vicks. Pull the glove finger over the toe. It should constitute a great snug fit so that it won't fall off. Accomplish this every after dark for at least a couple of weeks. I used clippers to divide through the additional advance and amuse rid of it. Not too deep--it did not aching at all. Within a month, I would say, my toenail fungus was completely cleared up. Great luck!