
my toenail was yellow and i sure to divide off the yellow thing which ended up life nearly my whole toenail should i own left my nail or did i accomplish the right thing by cutting off the poor thing? and what can i use to aid my nail to abound back healthy?

Tulalip Bay

Soak you toenail in Listerine, accept it or not, it's very accessible in getting rid of toenail infections. Provided that doesn't work, you may want to see a podiatrist, they will take a sample of the nail, send it outside for testing, and accord you an exact return as to what type of infection you've got. From there, they will prescribe usually a cream or emollient to put on your toe.


provided you sure to divide the poor thing off, constitute sure you divide it off right...You should spoil yourself to the Nails Salon and treat yourself with a pedicure and last, buzz them to use the thingie that they use to smooth outside the acrylic on nails ( sorry idk what it called) to scrape the top of your toe nails off (tell them to use the electric thingie, not the "buffer" which is used by hands; that's not strong enough to scrape it off). The yellow thing should come up and it'll be bigger :D