Nail fungus? listerine cured my nail fungus this is the reason i joined yahoo answers?


I injured a toe nail (curved it back over the toe, ripping the majority of it off it's bed) and then after several months developed a white fungus which subsequent spread to other nails. Persons can easily acquisition accessible data on the web such as: fungus grows well in the aerial moisture enclosed space of shoes, so I'd rather tell everyone that soaking fungus in Listerine on a regular reason and periodically trim the nails back now next a soaking will eradicate the fungus. Initially I soaked the whole foot for too continued which caused a weird, however little tingling sensation and the skin on the backside of my foot started a slight crack. I protected the crack with Vaseline which quickly healed and began tipping the basin in course to alone soak the toes. Once/twice weekly, 20-40 minutes, seems to accomplish the trick! Nails abound slowly, so be patient, however see weekly progress. Accumulate finger nail and toe nail clippers separate. Wishing you the ace,-m

Lake Ripley

Yes, it really does work, on most gentle to change fungal infections. Thanks for sharing. :)It isn't the fastest way to free a fungal infection, however it is cheap. So provided this works, why complain? :)The reason it works is the thymol (thyme important oil), which has been used as an antifungal and medicinal since at least the Roman empire, and the eucalyptol (eucalyptus important oil), which the Australian pioneers quickly elarned was antifungal and antibacterial. A eucalyptol-based medication is currently having a patent filed on it as a accustomed cure for the treatment of fungal infections. BTW, most fungal indections of the feet and toenails can too be effectively cleared by soaking the foot in a solution of chlorine bleach. This is why competitive swimmers, and persons who work as lifeguards in chlorinated pools don't usually amuse foot fungus from public pool showers. The chlorine in the pool usually kills it off! Use 1 Tbsp bleach per gallon of water. Soak affected foot for 20 minutes twice weekly. Too:Don't forget to soak your socks in boiling water for 5 minutes, and spray shoes with Lysol, to prevent re-infection! Oh, you don't charge Zetaclear either! Avoid the spam. That stuff is mostly tea tree oil. Tea tree oil (important oil of Melaleuca alternifolia) is too highly able against fungi and can be bought in several drugstores for Even less than Zetaclear. And it will work aloof too as that overpriced and overspammed stuff too!

