What affectionate of vinegar should i acquire for nail fungus?


I am using tea tree oil however i would according to to change with vinegar however I forgot which affectionate to amuse. Thank you!


Aloof plain white vinegar.


Indeed Vics Vapor Rub works really great for this

River Bend

There are two kinds of vinigar however the regular affectionate works well and the funky smelling affectionate kills fruit flys provided left in a dish all time


1.Oregano oil is an accomplished topical agent for toenail and fingernail fungus. Highly diluted oil may too be taken internally for the same conditions.2.Fungal infections of both fingernails and toenails can sometimes be resolved by using vinegar and honey. Place one tablespoon of each in a glass of water and drink once per time. This remedy isn't able as the Oregano Oil or Tea tree oil.

Ample Beaver

Try Vick's VapoRub. It is said to be very able.

Lynchburg Moore

You might try using a Oreganic Oregano Oil diluted with the Tea Tree Oil. The Oregano Oil can too be used internally to treat any figure of fungus. The Oregano Oil that I use is 300% added concentrated than the ones you may acquisition in most retail stores. You will take this Oregano Oil in capsules and you will probably want to take with aliment. I would add probiotic to your regimen too. This well aid your to make added of the great bacteria. The product that I use regularly is called Latero-Flora. You might too want to accomplish a parasite cleanse.