Could toe nail fungus be a symptom of diabetes?

St. Paul Grassland

It's not really severe, however I own it on my two ample toes and one small one. I've had it since I was 9 and I'm 24 any more. I don't own any neuropathy however my left toe aloof feels bloodless.


It is not a SYMPTOM, however the actuality that it won't cure IS. I had a similar problem 30+ years ago. I had Athlete's foot that wouldn't cure. The reason was Type 2 Diabetes! Once i got the diabetes under ascendancy, the athletes foot went out on its own. Contact you doctor and own it checked outside. Too Buzz for an A1C test to see provided you are diabetic.


No, however aerial blood sugar can exacerbate any type of fungal advance. Provided the fungus gets down to the nailbed, it can interfere with nerve service and this might statement for the bloodless activity. Constitute a preparation of olive oil and tea tree oil. Wash and dry toes. Spread preparation encircling the infected world, and include. Accomplish this every time for a year. It's very able.


See your doctor. There are medications available to treat fungus that has invaded tissue and can not be cured with house remedies.


Test your blood sugar.