I own an acrylic nail fungus is there a treatment over the counter to use through the acrylic nail?


No you charge to amuse the acrylic removed now and treat the bacterial infection. Provided is a greenish colour you can probably treat it yourself. Provided it is atramentous and/or has affliction you charge to see a doctor right out. Use rubbing alcohol to the world to dehydrate it. You can try nail bleach to amuse rid of the discolouration however, you will probably aloof own to wait for it to abound outside.


No. You charge to remove the acrylic to treat the fungus.

Oak Brook

not in Canada, possibly in the states...you can try tea tree oil however I think you charge the 1 year treatment by spoken route. take and accumulate the nails off!

East Palatka

nope, the finger needs to be able to breath so you will own to remove the nail completely and aloof own it accustomed or with a very very ablaze nail polish on top. you should pick up some thymol and use that regularly to the fungus. i understand from familiarity, Accomplish NOT Accumulate THE NAIL ON!


Try tree tea oil its very great. I would suggest you remove the false nails.


yes aloof activity to the section in the Pharmacy "fungus remedies" or buzz the pharmacist, I don't own the bottle any more however I had the same problem in November, and it cleared up in a month, I left the acrylic off from then until any more (February), It will take time, Google nail fungus and you may own some answers,, EDIT: you will own to remove the nail for sure, I didn't read the question properly,