Any one ever use lemongrass important oil on nail fungus?


i heard provided you use Lemongrass Important Oil on nail fungus the nail turns atramentous (kills it) and a fresh one growsany one ever try this adjustment?


Important oils can be able against a fungus under the nail. However none of them should 'annihilate' the nail. Provided the nail is lifted allowing water under and that's where the fungus is it should be accessible to use topical fungicides. A soak is possible the ace. Provided the nail isn't lifted, you may charge to use some other adjustment of use. Is this on the plam or foot? Foot fungi tend to respond to Tea Tree, Roman Chamomile, Myrrh, Savory, Opopanox and Spike Lavender. A tropical fungus that may be under the fingernail can be treated with Hyssop, Basil and Laurel. There are several others that are able against fungi too, too several to file.


I don't understand. I used an anti-fungal ceam, it helped reduce them. However my nail fungus isn't very acute. I heard Tea Trea Oil is very great though. Provided your fungus is serious, over-the-counter products won't aid.


yes it is great to amuse rid of nail fungus however I haven't heard of it turning nails atramentous