Who can you amuse rid of a fungus thats been on your toe nail for a continued time ? ?


someone asked me that question earlier & i didn't understand what to return them so can someone please return this? thanks.


I had a fungus on my feet that didn't respond to usual store treatment. I discovered that mouth wash has anti-fungal ingredients. I soaked my feet in the stuff for a hardly any nights and was cured. However a toenail might be tougher. Sometimes they own to remove it to cure it.


Toenail fungus general however contaigous. Soak feet in soapy water. Divide toenails down and accumulate short. For infected nails divide down as far as you can. Scrub with an aged toothbrush to amuse as far down to nail bed as possible. Acquire a fungicide and use daily. OR Vicks vaporub daily until out. Be patient.


whash your friggin feet daily! and clip your toe nails!


wash your feet, amuse a pedicure and provided all else fails activity to a doctor.


Wash your feet, clip your nails, acquire some medicine. ****.