Miracle nail fungus treatment could it be true?


I own tried everything to cure my toe nail fungus with no success. Yesterday, I was in the salon and a someone who works there specializing in foot attention, sold me a topical liquid that she said was a secret miracle cure that she guaranteed would amuse rid of my nail fungus in less than a month. Well, she filed down and divide the nails and put a drop on each nail. She sold me the bottle for approximately $150.00. I am amazed that today, the very following time, the nails attending incredibly bigger. They own returned to their white colour and everything. My affair is this... I am not usually a follower in miracle cures., and any more i am worried that there might be something bad to my health in this solution. Does anyone understand provided a topical treatment can be bad? I own checked the interent and there doesn't seem to be any miracle cures outside there.

Sea Breeze

After getting recurring ingrown toe nails partially due to nail fungus, and recently developed a unpleasant fungal infection in my left ample toe, I went online searching for an alternative to precription meds that really works and I've begin it! It's fabricated by a well-known accustomed product co. called,"Jason" and it's called,"No Fungus Among Us Nail Attention - Nail Saver."Not alone was there something reminiscent of pus eminating from underneath the nail, however there was a blackish/blooming discolouration under thing of the nail and the nail was starting to detach itself from the nail bed, along with some throbbing affliction. This was not an ingrown nail, since I've had several in my activity. My nail is any more reattached to the nail bed, no added pus liquid, affliction and the discolouration is nearly back to accustomed! I purchased it from www. mothernature. com for less than $6!Goes on according to nail polish encircling cuticles, etc. And it contains all accustomed ingredients-very safe. Highly recommended. At the mothernature web site, other customers own reviewed this product with astonishing results.

Apple Valley

try vicks salve...it does work...great luck............


you own gotten them healed and aren't felling sick or anything are you=that it pretty to amuse the toes cleared up =guard that bottle of tropical liquid, exceptionally when it price you so even